Newland Capital Management Ltd

Equity Investment

Newland Capital’s equity investment will focus on trendy technologies and majority health supplement and environmental protection industries, mostly with small and medium-sized technology companies in New Zealand. Newland Capital will control the investment amount of each project and diversify the investment to lower the risk potentially happened during the investment; Implementing multi-level risk control strategies, and conduct strict survey and investigation on the expected projects; Fully disclose investment risks to investors; Report to investors in time and timely regarding to the changes.

Deep-tech Investment

  • Focus on New Zealand’s high-tech companies and industries;
  • The invested enterprise must possess the patented technology and core competitiveness required by the project;
  • A clear business model and a clear withdraw approach;
  • The investment period will not exceed three years, in principle.

Health Industry/Agricultural, Animal Husbandry, Sea Products Technology/ Environmental Technology

  • New Zealand has the highest reputation for Wide-Health products, Health Care Instruments design and manufacturing, Agricultural, Animal Husbandry, Sea products Technology, and Environmental Technology in the world;
  • New Zealand’s booming health industry with the support of local government, leads to growing investment opportunities. 

how can we help you?

Contact us at our office or submit an investment inquiry online.

Newland capital is dedicated to ‘Make your money work for you’.