Newland Capital Management Ltd

2021 Work Summary and Christmas Party

On Friday, December 17th, 2021. Newland Capital held a dinner party for the 2021 work summary and new year celebration with all staff and some investors invited.

Newland Executive Director, Mr. Dong Jie, gave a speech of the 2021 work summary on behalf of the company’s board and the management team in the new office.

He explains, 2021 was very tough for the whole world as the Pandemic of Covid. It has brought a hard time to many industries, multiple Lockdowns to us, and blown New Zealand’s economy heavily and also globally. Under the difficulties, with the support of our investors, partners, and friends, Newland Capital has tried its best and never give up our value-driven philosophy, then we still achieved great goals.

During the dinner, all participants toast to wish Newland Capital Management Ltd and everyone a successful future and a better year in 2022.

 “At the new year time, The Board of Directors of Newland Capital would like to thank all investors, partners, and our friends for their support and encouragement, and wish everyone a happy New Year, good health, happiness to your families.”

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